This application was developed with the aim of helping people use medicines according to medical prescriptions. There are options to register information about the medicine, such as: the name, prescription, and also add photos of the medicine and prescription directly from the camera or cell phone gallery, in addition to the prescription there is the option to add it in PDF file format . While registering, you will be able to consult the leaflet for the medicine provided. On the page following the medicine registration, there is a facilitator to calculate what the medicine times will be, starting from the first time and the time interval informed. If times have been generated in which the user will be sleeping, they have the option of removing excess times from the timesheet by simply clicking on the minus button. Finally, when selecting the start and end dates, the system will show the total number of days. If everything is ok, you can even customize the alarm and then save the medicine in the system.On the home screen, all registered medicines will be listed with the next medicine times. It is possible to view the photo by clicking on the preview, view the timetable by pressing the medication card, and you also have the possibility of deactivating all medication alarms.There is a shortcut on the home screen for those who just want to quickly calculate the times and number of days without having to go through the medication registration screen.In the menu, there is information about how the alarm works, and a warning about the use of medicines only prescribed by healthcare professionals.